John has had a long career in the environmental field for which he received a lifetime achievement award from the World Resources Institute. He is author or co-author of over 200 papers, books, reports, and other publications including his recent book "The Right Way to Flourish: Reconnecting with the Real World"
Ehrenfeld, J. R., "The Right Way to Flourish: Reconnecting with the Real World", 2019
Ehrenfeld, J. R., “Flourishing: designing a brave new world,” She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 5(2), 2019 (pdf)
Laszlo, C., J. Brown, J. R. Ehrenfeld, et al., Flourishing Enterprise: The New Spirit of Business, Palo Alto, CA: Stanford Business Press, 2014.
Ehrenfeld, J. R., “Sustainability Beyond Growth: Toward an Ethics of Flourishing” in The Routledge Handbook of the History of Sustainability, J. Caradonna, ed. Routledge, 2017.
Hoffman, A. and J. R. Ehrenfeld, “The fourth wave: management science and practice in the age of the Anthropocene” in Corporate Stewardship, S. A. Albers, J. O’Toole, and E. E. Lawler III, eds. Greenleaf. 2015
Sustainability by Design and Flourishing - Keynote Speech | Centre for Industrial Sustainability (Video, 2013)
Chertow, M. and J. R. Ehrenfeld, “Organizing Self-organizing Systems,” Journal of Industrial Ecology, 16(1): 13-27, 2012. (pdf)